
  1. Read more: Jana Rassool's Sunflower Movement
    Jana Rassool's Sunflower Movement

    Jana Rassool's Sunflower Movement

    by Ethan Hoffer

    This week, we had the opportunity to interview Jana Rassool about The Sunflower Movement. Jana is a talented photographer putting meaning behind her work to create overall happiness and promote better mental health. When her community suffered, she began passing out sunflowers and notes with her classmates to improve the overall happiness in her community.
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  2. Read more: Chris Caleon Spreads Positive Vibes- Why You Need To Hear His Outlook
    Chris Caleon Spreads Positive Vibes- Why You Need To Hear His Outlook

    Chris Caleon Spreads Positive Vibes- Why You Need To Hear His Outlook

    by Ethan Hoffer

    Wanting to offer our customers some insight on the messages behind our brand, we figured that interviewing customers with similar interests as us could offer an alternate perspective of our brand from someone else's point of view. Chris Caleon has been an ambassador for APPK since early August and continues to promote our apparel because of our shared outlooks. You can find him at his instagram @chriscaleon spreading positive vibes to his followers while aspiring to be one of the next top models. Because of the immense amount of positivity put forward on his account, we figured he was most deserving of our first blog post where we will be highlighting different aspects of APPK and promoting positivity.
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